Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Conversion rate optimization boosts site performance by improving the ratio of site visitors converted into actual customers.

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Conversion Funnel Optimizaiton

Find the biggest opportunities for improvement and testing by identifying on which page and at which step most visitors are leaving your site.

Heat-maps & Click Tracking

Our CRO analysts use the best tools in the industry for collecting and visualizing data in order to make the quickest and the most effective decisions. 

Recorded Visitor Sessions 

Discover what users want, care about and engage with on your site by visually representing their clicks, taps and scrolling behavior.




Winning Variation


Website Redesign


A/B Split Testing


Website Flow Redesign


Adding Social Sharing

CRO Strategy helps you to make the visitors do what you want them to on your site, our team is ready to help optimize your site and boost the conversion rates, providing a successful long-term  CRO strategy for your business.